NLI Status Update
Next Level Innovations teams have been busy since our February vote. We have begun the process of seeking the path God is leading us into for our Next Level of discipleship, witness, welcoming and becoming all He wants us to be. Most of the Teams have had several meetings and are planning activities and events as a part of this initiative. The Vision Alignment Team has met with Rhonda Van Dyke several times and developed a “Dashboard” to capture the progress of each of the teams. (see “VAT Tracking below)
Each Team has approached their task differently. The Hospitality Team has met and graphed their tasks with various roles looking at the “big picture” of how to make our church a welcoming place from the moment someone enters the doors. Thanks to Lisa White for agreeing to chair this group. (see Hospitality graphic)
Tom Parker, chair of Neighborhood Connection says:
“We have been active over the past few weeks, handing out Bunny Hop flyers at the Clarendon Metro, assisting at the Bunny Hop and providing opportunities for three Prayer Walks on Easter Eve! We are in the planning stage for Prayer Walk training.”
We still need volunteers to serve on the various teams. To sign up contact the name of the leader with the corresponding team.
Neighborhood Connection
Tom Parker
Radical Hospitality
Lisa White
John Ausink
Jane Dixon
Team Status Summary
Vision Alignment Team Status
The Vision Alignment Team has met three times since the Next Level Innovations (NLI) plan was approved by the congregation on February 19, 2019.
March 2, 2019
The purpose of this meeting was to gather nominations for the leaders of the Neighborhood Connection and Hospitality Teams.
Laura volunteered to send e-mails to the list of candidates.
April 24, 2019
Rhonda VanDyke (our NLI mentor) led the meeting
We participated in a teambuilding Exercises (writing Living Love words on cards etc.).
Laura reported that Tom Parker accepted the leadership position for the Neighborhood Connections Team.
We discussed the lack of a leader for the Hospitality Team. Jane and Laura agreed to make a graphic/org chart to explain the purpose and attract a leader.
We briefly discussed discipleship. Nilse and Mary will get together to discuss further.
Josh volunteered, with John A. as his sidekick, to work with the words we wrote on our index cards to draft a preliminary statement.
Four questions for tracking our NLI Teams were established:
Is the Team Formed?
Does the Team have a Leader?
Has the Team Met?
Does the Team have Momentum?
Laura will develop a tracking chart.
We briefly discussed possible next steps in connection with General Conference and decided a full Council meeting was necessary in May.
May 8, 2019
We reviewed the NLI Team tracker and gave feedback for the next version (attached).
We reviewed the hospitality graphic (attached).
Laura reported that Lisa White agreed to lead the Hospitality Team (without after church refreshments).
Rhonda gave an example for us to consider adapting for visitor follow-up: 6 seconds after arriving on campus new students & families are welcomed, 60 seconds later additional greeting, 6 minutes later help is offered to unload their car, 6 hours later someone is talking to the new student, 6 days later another check-in happens and 6 weeks later another check-in occurs.
A brief discussion on discipleship was held.
We discussed improving communications to continually inform the congregation of NLI activities. The “VAT Splat” was suggested. It ended up as a “Did You Know” blurb in the News from the Pews.
Rhonda led a discussion on the recent Judicial Council Rulings. We considered a survey of the Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Neighborhood Connections, Finance and the Wedding Coordinator asking 6 questions. We decided this approach was too lengthy and we needed some type of action much quicker.
We brainstormed on what actions we should consider taking/exploring. We made a list (attached power point) and will ask Council members for input. We also agreed to offer a review of the Judicial Council Rulings prior to the Council meeting for those interested.
Neighborhood Connection Team Status Report
The Vision Alignment Team has met three times since the Next Level Innovations (NLI) plan was approved by the congregation on February 19, 2019. The NLI Neighborhood Connection Team, (NCT), is pleased to submit its September Status Report.
The NCT held its first meeting on March 17, 2019. The Team members are Nii Armar, Karen Darner, Laura Lewis, Peggy Little, Jennifer London, Susan Prokop and Tom Parker (Team Chair).
One of the first activities of the Team was to meet with Sarah Calvert to discuss Prayer Walking. Following that meeting the Team sponsored three Prayer Walks around the Church neighborhood prior to Easter Sunday. Prayer Walk training is one of the recommendations in this report.
The Team worked with Dennis Edelbrock to publicize the Bunny Hop, passing out flyers at the Clarendon Metro Station and worked to expand the Bunny Hop feedback survey to include questions relating to the interests of the Urban Edge population. Unfortunately, there was a very limited response to that survey.
On August 25 the Team met with Tim Ward, pastor of Restoration Reston, and had a highly productive discussion of strategies for reaching out to our Urban Edge neighbors.
Prior to undertaking specific programs to attract the Urban Edge population in the Metro Corridor it is important to shift our mind set from “getting people in the pews” to building relationships in the community. This urban population, with a few exceptions, is not looking for a traditional church home, but rather is looking for ways in which they can make a difference on social and environmental issues and for small groups that offer relationship opportunities. To attract these young adults we need to move forward with changing our mission and image, from the physical plant to how we are perceived in the community. As recommended in the NLI report we need to upgrade our image on all fronts, from coffee and good food to décor and signage. In with the bold!
It is imperative that we effectively tell our story as opposed to making announcements. Our stories should inspire and show a church that is in service to the community and beyond. These stories can reflect on our partnership with AFAC, our Youth mission to Honduras and our Christmas tree sale, to name just a few. As Tim Ward impressed upon us, in the long run telling our story will be far more effective in changing our image than creating a new program.
Adopt a School
Investigate adopting a school, perhaps the new Alice Fleet elementary school.
All groups within the church, (Sunday School classes, the Murky Men, UMW Circles, Sunday School classes, the Young Professionals and Youth) would be invited to participate in a range of activities such as reading to the younger grades, mentoring, tutoring, providing supplies to teachers and providing direct one on one assistance to families with limited income. The range of activities would be guided by the talents of our members and the needs of the school.
Outcome Measures: Direct feedback from students, parents and teachers.
Sponsor Forums on Social and Environmental Issues
Clarendon has a wealth of members who are knowledgeable on social and environmental issues. Establish, and promote on social media, off-site forums on subjects that would be of interest to the Urban Edge population. Locations might be in coffee houses, the Arlington Artists Alliance Clarendon Gallery, the Central Library or other venues.
Outcome Measures: Number of participants and the possible establishment of ongoing small groups.
Prayer Walk Training
Schedule an all church Prayer Walk Service and training as part of our Lenten schedule. This should be a combined 10am service with a Prayer Walk message with training and lunch following. Depending on the time available the training may be schedule over two Sundays.
Outcome Measures: The number of members trained and frequency of follow up Prayer Walks.
Bunny Hop Pet Fair
As a part of the 2020 Bunny Hop sponsor a Clarendon Pet Fair. Participants and others would be invited to bring in pets, Petco would be invited to participate with specials offered for pet food and supplies and a local veterinarian would be invited to provide on-site counseling on pet issues. We could give out Clarendon pet food bowls remind our visitors of their Clarendon experience. This would be a major attraction to the Urban Edge runners and families.
Outcome Measure: Number of individuals participating and first time visitors mentioning the event.
Provide opportunities for off-site informal Jam Sessions. One of the NCT members will be sponsoring such a session in her home. These sessions would be promoted on Social Media and celebrated in our Story Telling.
Outcome Measures: Number of participants and the establishment of small groups.
Artist in Residence
In cooperation with the Arlington Artists Alliance, or the Arlington Arts Center, sponsor an Artist in Residence program. This could be through the funding of a specific painting, mural or sculpture within the church or use of a church room as an artist studio with the artist interacting with the membership and visitors. We could also offer Clarendon as a venue for rotating exhibitions featuring local artists
Outcome Measures: Degree of interaction with members and the community.
Clarendon Dance Party
Upon completion of the Corry Hall reimaging, sponsor a once a month Clarendon Dance Party with a DJ and food prepared by our new Chef. There may be a church member with DJ experience and equipment. This would be promoted on social media by our Youth. Our Youth would invite their friends who would invite their friends who would relate their experience to their parents. The Clarendon Dance Party could be a major community event and venue to support our School Adoption program.
Outcome Measure: Number of participants church visitors brought in by the program.
Christmas Tree Sale
Develop a Clarendon Christmas Tree ornament that would be given to each Christmas tree purchaser and first-time visitors to Clarendon during Advent/Christmas. This ornament would be a yearly reminder of the warmth of Clarendon as an inviting church home.
Outcome Measure: The number of first-time visitors brought in by the ornament.
Friday Night Out
Is there anything more appealing than dining out on Friday night? With our new Chef, Clarendon could be the go-to place for a casual dining night out. Neighbors and others would be attracted by social media, members could invite their neighbors and friends. We could start as the Fourth Friday and if successful expand. Perhaps a limited number of tickets could be donated to Doorways and Bridges to Independence.
Outcome Measure: Number of attendees and first-time visitors brought in by the dinners.
Tell Our Story
Charge appropriate Team(s) to begin telling our story on our Website, appropriate Social Media and signage. Instagram is a media that is most likely to reach the Urban Edge population as they tend to see Facebook as their parent’s thing. Use these stories as a vehicle to communicate our current and expanding relationships with the community such as AFAC, the Bunny Hop, Christmas Tree sale and the Honduras mission. Use outdoor signage to promote our inclusiveness, perhaps a large “All Our Welcome – Love All Your Neighbors” banner on our Irving Street face.
All of the recommended activities would be celebrated through Story Telling on social media.
Outcome Measures: Poll our new visitors as to how they heard of Clarendon.
It would be our pleasure to meet with the Vision Alignment Team to discuss this report and its recommendations.