Innovations Weekend Content


Thee Innovations Weekend held recently (Jan 25-27) at the church.

Out of this weekend came the Innovations Report, which was written by a team from the NLI coordinator that came together to listen and discern what our church was ready to do to go to the ‘next level’ of God’s calling on your community. The report is based on an interactive process between the NLI team and our pastor, our church leaders, and the more than 80 congregants who participated in some part of the Innovations Weekend.

Innovations Weekend Sermon (Video)

Watch to the special combined Worship service on Sunday, January 27 as a culmination of our Next Level Innovations Weekend. We welcomed guest speaker Rev. Rhonda VanDyke, a leader in the Virginia Conference of the UMC.



Innovations Weekend Full Service (Podcast)


Listen to the special combined Worship service on Sunday, January 27 as a culmination of our Next Level Innovations Weekend.

We welcomed guest speaker Rev. Rhonda VanDyke, a leader in the Virginia Conference of the UMC, and the NLI Weekend Team presented the innovations report to the congregation.


Watch the Presentation of the Innovations Report


all the documents from innovations weekend

Innovations Weekend Presentation
The full presentation from the Weekend Innovations Workshop held on Saturday, Jan 26 in Corry Hall, with insights into CUMC and the NLI process.

ExecutiveInsite Report
Tells the “demographic story” of our neighborhood, with “insites” into demographics, religious beliefs, and common practices.

ComparativeInsite Report
Provides a broad comparison of the demographic profile of our neighborhood with the demographic profile of congregants.

Demographic Studies

In-depth analysis of the key Mosaic segments in our neighborhood.

G25 Urban Edge (62%)

A06 Jet Set Urbanites (13%)

A01 American Royalty (4.5%)

C13 Silver Sophisticates (4.1%)